We need to build safer roads for everyone. With urgency.

There are too many near misses, serious injures and deaths on our roads. Children are scared to walk or cycle to school.

This has to change - we need to build more physically separate cycle and walkways across Auckland now. As Emma McInnes says in this piece, with urgency.

We've invested in cycling infrastructure and the usage has grown considerably. This shouldn't be a surprise when 1 in 4 Aucklanders cycle, it's a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative. And despite the noise from some, cycle-ways are relatively cheap to maintain.

I've had the pleasure of walking and driving in cities overseas that have done protected cycling well. Even if you don't get on a bike, the investment in making people safe makes the entire experience more enjoyable.

It doesn't need to be expensive, plenty of options for separate lanes without massive price tags. But let's not do a classic Auckland & under invest in our future. There are plenty of studies that show return on investment is significant & wide ranging.

Auckland is growing fast and we have the opportunity to become a city that puts people first, not vehicles. We can create a transport system that delivers real choice, with safe, affordable options for everyone. Part of that means safe cycling infrastructure.

I've advocated for a fairer transport system for over a decade. If elected to council, I will make sure council takes action to make our streets and our people safer. With urgency.