Submission on Eastern Busway consultation (Pakuranga to Botany)

My submission to Auckland Transport on their proposal for the Pakuranga to Botany section of the Eastern Busway.

What do you think about the current station locations?

The locations of the Pakuranga, Edgewater and Gossamer Stations look good.

However Burswood Station isn't on the main road which reduces it's availability for the Greater East Tamaki Business District to the south of Ti Rakau Drive. This also means that the busway and walking and cycling routes are now less direct than originally planned. I would like to see  the Burswood Station moved back to Ti Rakau Drive.

Botany Station is also further down Ti Irirangi Dr than originally planned and the new route is missing the corner of Ti Rakau and Ti Irirangi Drives - this intersection has three significant retail centres, two major entertainment centres and close proximity to the wider Botany suburb. By moving the route through Guys Reserve these locations are no longer in the direct catchment area, reducing the usability.

The busway stations will have signalised and safe pedestrian crossing points,

seating, and bike and scooter parking facilities. What station facilities are

important to you?

Great to see the pedestrian connections and also bike/scooter parking. First and last mile is always the trickier part and it’s positive to see this has been considered.

Protection from weather is important (Auckland being Auckland) - not just rain, but also wind and sun. Commuting to/from work is more enjoyable if it can be done comfortably.

It’s critical that the stations and surrounding areas are made accessible and safe - no one should be prevented from using public transport because of poor accessibility.

Walking and cycling facilities have been included in the project and connect destinations such as parks and schools. Which destinations are important for you to reach by walking and/or cycling?
Retail, entertainment and community centres along the route. Public transport and walking are my primary mode of transport so connecting as many hubs together would be ideal.

What do you think about the proposed walking and cycling facilities along the route?

Great to see the inclusion of safe, separated walking and cycling in this project - essential that this new route feeds into the wider Howick Cycling Network that is planned for construction. Especially for schools.

Not sure why these routes don’t follow the same route as the busway through Burswood or into Botany. The Burswood diversion has created a gap in the route along Ti Rakau which needs addressing, especially connecting to the Greater East Tamaki business district (south of Burswood) which is a massive employment hub for the region.

The draft design creates a new connection to Burswood. It provides access for more people, improves safety, efficiency and journey time reliability and attracts investment and urban development. Tell us what this new connection means for you.

I strongly oppose the Burswood diversion - there is no justification for the change in route and the new route diminishes the outcomes of improved transport options. There is no justification for this change in any of the documentation made available to the public.

Along the Burswood route, Ti Rakau Drive is a six lane road with a median strip and wide berms - one of the widest parts of the road at any point. It is my understanding that this road was designed wider than required in order to accommodate a future transit lane.

Auckland Transport’s insistence that there are five major intersections along this route is a mischaracterisation of the route and suggests that the project team are not familiar with the route at all. There are three intersections (two for Burswood Drive and one for Harris Road) controlled by traffic lights and which could easily accommodate a busway. Torrens Road is a small side road that only has a single give way lane onto Ti Rakau - if the busway continued down the middle of Ti Rakau as originally planned, Torrens Road would not be impacted.

Access to commercial properties along Ti Rakau would not be impacted if the busway continued down the middle of the roadway, as was originally planned.

Shifting the busway through Burswood will create two additional intersections, making this area more complex to navigate for people and vehicles. There must also be an increase in maintenance and upkeep as a result as well as an increase in risk of injuries or deaths.

There must also be additional time for the buses and the detour will make the walking and cycling routes longer than necessary.

In addition, there is a significant impact on the Burswood community with an estimated 40 houses along the proposed route that will need to be demolished. The notification and communication process around this has been extremely disappointing. Locals are understandably upset and frustrated after being blindsided during an extremely tough lockdown.

Construction of significant infrastructure in an urban environment can create disruption and change. What is important to you that should be maintained or improved while the Eastern Busway is built?

While construction is underway we are likely to see restrictions to the roadway. I know the team will work to ensure the disruption is minimised but the nature of the project means there will be an impact. Priority should be given to the modes that will move the most people in the most efficient way i.e. public transport. 

I liked the approach taken during the Panmure to Pakuranga construction to encourage people to alter their transport patterns, although I believe this needs stronger local leadership. I would suggest engaging local champions to speak to their communities and encourage the wider efforts to reduce the impact of traffic congestion during construction.

If you have general feedback you would like to let us know, please provide it here.

I strongly support the construction and completion of the Eastern Busway - it’s a critical project for Auckland and essential for East Auckland.

I strongly oppose the proposal to divert the route through Burswood. Not only is there no justification, there are real concerns that it will diminish the outcomes while having a significant impact on the local community. We need people to mode shift onto public transport - the negative impact of this unnecessary diversion will only deter people from engaging with public transport and further reduce the public support for the project. The way this change was notified to the community has been devastating for many and has seriously harmed the reputation of Auckland Transport and the Eastern Busway project in East Auckland.

I also question the decision to divert the busway before the Ti Rakau / Ti Irirangi Drives intersection. Moving this route away from the major intersection in Botany reduces the transport benefits and catchment area of this critical infrastructure. I would also like to understand the environmental impact of the busway going through Guys Reserve.