February Newsletter

My newsletter for February is out, with a quick summary of what I've been up to and thinking about.

I try deliver these each month - available here or delivered to your inbox (sign up here)

I hope my first newsletter for 2022 finds you well and that you've had a good break over summer.

I had a few weeks off, spending my time in East Auckland enjoying the amazing weather we've had. So much to do and enjoy in our neighbourhood, we're so lucky! If you're looking for ideas, check out www.eastauckland.co.nz for itineraries and much more.

Last year was (much like the year before) a bit of a blur - like most of us, I spent most of it working from home which used to be a novelty. We briefly returned to the office before we went into Red - short lived but it was nice to see everyone in person. I have a new role at work, which is more senior and focused on turning strategy into action. It's a great opportunity and I'm enjoying the challenge, leveraging my experience with business improvement while learning new skills.

This year will be a busy one, even without the pandemic continuing to make life more complex than we'd like. I've got a fait bit I want to achieve at work and with the community groups I work with plus it's council elections later in the year (watch this space).

I'll do my best to keep you up to date through my monthly newsletters. In between, stay up to date via my website, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. As always, if there's something you want to hear about or know more, let me know.

Warm regards,

Damian Light

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it.

Wishing you prosperity, health and happiness in the Year of the Tiger.

While I'm disappointed we won't be celebrating with the Auckland Lantern Festival (sadly cancelled again this year), we'll have to make it up next year with extra dumplings! In the meantime, checkout some of the ideas for celebrating at home including crafts, recipes and videos.

Who will lead Auckland?

It's council election year again and the Auckland Mayoral race is already starting to heat up, even before Goff has announced his intentions. While it's still early days, it's good to see that we may have some decent candidates this year - we really need a mayor who will lead this city with some passion and vision.

On a related note, I'm considering standing for council again. It's not something I take lightly, so I'm working it through with my family, friends and employer.

Auckland Council finances still don't add up

Major transport projects like the Eastern Busway have been delayed because Auckland Council told us they didn't have the money to fund it. Yet the NZ Herald has revealed that council is sitting on $285 million of unspent regional fuel tax earmarked for transport.

Meanwhile this very same council is busy selling off our parks and community centres using the excuse they don't have enough money. The hearings for the East Auckland parks (Golflands Park, Fortyfoot Park, and Aberfeldy Park) have been delayed again and again, but council are determined to sell them. Even before the pandemic is was clear we needed more public space and it's even more important now.