Bellingham Road in Ormiston is open!

Before the sun was up this morning, mana whenua led a moving karakia, physically walking the length of the new road and underneath to view the mahi toi (artwork) on the bridge.

Despite the early start, we had solid representation from the community, businesses, developers, and Auckland Transport. It was a privilege speak on behalf of the Howick Local Board, standing alongside fellow Botany representatives Mike Turinsky and Peter Young.

It's been a long road to get to this point, longer than anyone had hoped for and we know it's been frustrating for the community. But we're finally here and the road is open. It connects Stancombe Road to the Ormiston Town Centre, supporting residential, employment and economic growth. At the northern end, it passes by Barry Curtis Park including our soon-to-be upgraded destination playground.

As we left the cones and barriers were removed, making the road available from this morning. Looking forward to seeing the community enjoy this great piece of infrastructure.