It’s been a busy year and Christmas is approaching fast.
Last week we had our last business meeting for the year and our local staff are taking well earned leave until 6 January. As always, make sure you log any issues with Auckland Council (09 301 0101 or but don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any electedmembers if you need support.
As we farewell 2024, it’s good to look back on the year that has been. In addition to our normal events, projects and activities, some highlights include:
Confirming our commitment to incorporate Māori culture, language, art and stories into the design of public spaces through Te Kete Rukuruku (March);
Providing clarity on future of Howick War Memorial Hall as venue for hire (March);
Opening Te Taiwhanga Taiohi East Auckland Youth Space (April);
Ensuring fairer and more equitable democracy for Flat Bush through Representation Review (February-October, taking effect October 2025);
Supporting the inaugural East Auckland Business Awards (April), in addition to existing Howick Sports Awards (August);
Securing the future of Kauri Kids Howick early childhood education through new operator (June);
Delivering transport safety projects including gravel footpaths for Flat Bush (May and July) and Bucklands Beach (September);
Taking action on resilience by approving the first Howick Local Board Readiness and Response Plan (November).
None of this would have been possible without the support of our amazing staff, our partners, and the community - thank you all.
Looking forward to 2025, we will be:
Providing greater transparency through open-by-default workshops (January);
Consulting the local community on local and regional annual budgets (February-March);
Building the new Barry Curtis destination playground and replacement for the Wetlands Building (starting February);
Continuing to work towards building the Flat Bush Community Centre and Library sooner (we’ve secured some funding from July 2025).
On behalf of the Howick Local Board, we wish you and your whānau a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.